1. Pride in workmanship - A photo is worth a thousand words in this instance. As a friend says to me, how many other places gives you the opportunity to garrote yourself as you walk?
2. As above except with keyed locks. I have been told there is a "trick" with almost every lock as the locksmiths can't seem to cut a key to fit the lock correctly. This may mean that you need to leave the key slightly out so it will turn or only put it a little way in before trying to turn. I locked myself in the staff bathroom on the first day and had a slight panic to think that I may end up living in there as I didn't know the "trick". haha!
3. Having to look at head height when you walk on the paths so you don't accidentally hang yourself and having to look down so you don't end up knee deep in dog poo. Seriously, it is everywhere. Pilate's say, keep your head high when you walk. Do so at your own risk in Romania.
4. Taxis. This would have to top my list of dislikes for oh so many reasons. Don't go to a theme park if you want an adrenaline rush - just jump in a Bucharest Taxi. Firstly, the fare is based on a reverse bidding system. I have found that they tend to start at 50RON and you have to talk them down or walk. No seat belts and if you try to find and use one, the driver gets terribly offended and will turn to yell at you while they plough along, head first in oncoming traffic.
5. Some of the station platforms are extremely narrow. It is a little surprising to see a train pull up almost to the wall at some stations.
5. Some of the station platforms are extremely narrow. It is a little surprising to see a train pull up almost to the wall at some stations.
6. The poverty. There are many homeless, many beggars, it is hard just to ignore them, but you can end up quite poor if you give money to every one that you see. As a friend said, who knows what they are using the money for? Best to buy them a loaf of bread instead of cash.
7. The medical health system. For a foreigner with private health cover the health system is adequate, for those without it can be horrendous. I am grateful, as always to be working for Hospice Casa Sperantei who work towards palliative care and also education for medical testing before illness becomes terminal.
What I genuinely love about Romania

2. Their pride in their work. Our cleaner at work in Brasov emptied the washing machine that held my clothes, even though I said not to fuss about it and hung out, ironed and folded them. I was embarrassed that she went to so much trouble, but everyone here tries to go above and beyond expectation.
3. Looking after souls, all souls, including plants and animals. Nurses, doctors and volunteers looking after the patients. And then some people carry sachets of pet food in their bags for the stray dogs. One of my work mates salvaged a bonsai that had been thrown away and was caring for it in the hope that it would survive.
4. The beauty of the country. From the bustling cities and their amazing malls and parks, to the countrysides with their towering mountains and flowers everywhere. The architecture is also so amazing. You must visit this amazing place!
5. The public transport system. The metro trains are new, as are the buses. They are kept clean and the public are respectful of this property. It is very easy to navigate around Bucharest, even without knowing Romanian!
7. Cleanliness - watching the early morning cleaners with mops and scrapers cleaning the shop fronts with enthusiasm and pride.
8. The stray dogs - this is probably a surprising one, but most are not vicious, the locals and the dogs live harmoniously for the most part. The dogs play, run, sleep near humans and seem to be quite happy with their lifestyle.
9. Location, location!! Living so close to everything!! It is a hop skip and a jump across the border, you can fly, train it, bus it and even drive to a different country! Coming from a country surrounded by water, this is a physical impossibility at home!
10. Music, festivals, entertainment - being in the centre of things means the most amazing artists, bands visit here. In the last couple of months, Lady GaGa, Garbage, Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Lenny Kravitz just to name a few!
11. The malls. Oh my goodness! The shopping! Love love love it here! And a visit to the cinemas are so cheap in comparison to home.
To wrap up, I have soooo much more to see, but Romania has so much to offer the humble tourist. I love it here. I am going to miss it when I leave, even for a short time. It already feels like home.
La revedere for now Romania,
Dani xxxx
Ahh - we're going to miss you Dani. Hurry back. Alice x