Thursday, 31 January 2013

Back to normal (?!)

So I am back at work now, nose to the grindstone. It really seems like I have never left. People ask me whether I have changed from the experience. I don't think I have, although some of my actions prove different. I am still not unpacked fully, and with no intention to be. I am hoping to give my collection of books to the Salvation Army along with a lot of furniture and clothes. One thing I learnt in Romania is that we need very little. As long as you have a roof over your head, clothes on your back, boots on your feet (especially in the snow) and a full stomach, you are doing very well!

Simplifying life has not stopped at my front door, no sir. My children lament the car in the garage, however I pointedly choose to walk where I can now. If we want something sweet after tea, the girls have to put on their runners and be prepared to walk to the supermarket and not chauffeur driven. At work, I am more aware of time wasting activities and more keen to question the use of these activities and also the benefit to the team. Luckily I am fully supported by my manager and team on this mission and we are overcoming hurdles and possible obstacles in leaps and bounds.

What do I miss most of all about Romania? I miss the people. I get little updates on facebook and over Skype and I remember little things that make me smile. I really hope that I can still make the return in 2014 and visit the people I have grown so fond of. I miss the lack of bugs. I did not miss the insects when I was overseas, I really didn't know that we had so many before travelling! I miss the central location - being close to everything and with so much at my fingertips. Romania has such a torrid history but after visiting, you can understand why so many countries wanted to claim ownership.

What have I enjoyed on my return to Australia? Again, the people. I love, love my team. I guess that I have been blessed that wherever I go, I always have the most incredible groups of people to work with. I enjoy Australia - as a whole. Yes, we are isolated from the rest of the world in terms of distance but we are so unique in so many ways. Yesterday the day started off hot hot hot and end up in a huge summer storm. How many places have the four seasons in a day?

What do I remember to do every day? I cherish every moment. Even when life is hard, I remember that there are those out there that are struggling far more than I. I remember that I am blessed with health and the resources to look after mine and my children should I fall ill. I remember that I am lucky to have a job, with many people struggling to buy the basic necessities. I remember that I have a home, with people flooded in Bundaberg, that have literally lost all, again, in the space of a week. I remember that I am safe, that people in war torn areas of the world who have to worry about the well being of themselves and their families on a daily basis. I remember that I am blessed.

I will keep the blog going for the time being. Once I start travelling again (and yes, I plan to!) I will be able to add to the photos and adventures.

Dani  xxx